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an exploration of place and attention

Each piece represents a physical space in the world that offered me a moment of pause in considering my surroundings.  Upon finding such a place, I take a photo and record the gps coordinates.  Working from the photo, a digital record of the phyiscal place is outlined on the computer, which is then printed on a blank sheet of paper with the corresponding gps coordinates.  The outline is cut away by hand revealing a mysterious shape that represents an experience of place and attention.


The hand cut presentation renders each pause a singular experience that cannot be reproduced, just as every experience in our lives is singular and personal.  


These pieces of paper are sent out to nearby residents giving them a record of a stranger’s interaction with their own personal surroundings. 


Much like geocaching, these physical locations can be found with the gps location provided and a bit of exploring, allowing participants to find the spaces that gave me pause and compare them with their own experiences of their surroundings.  The physical spaces that gave me pause range from monumental to miniscule in scale, and represent both objects and empty spaces.  


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